Stepping into the future: get to know auDA’s 2044 scenarios Hayley Wigg Mon, 05/13/2024 - 12:11
What will the world of communications and the internet look like in 2044? That’s the question we asked ourselves when we embarked on our Future Scenarios Project in 2023.
auDA’s Future Scenarios Project – navigating an unknown future Tom Lace Mon, 05/06/2024 - 15:32
To help us navigate the future, we embarked on a Future Scenarios Project through which we developed three scenarios that present starkly different views of a possible 2044.
2 December, 2021

Digital Lives of Australians: The Internet is invaluable but cyber security fears are keeping Australians offline

auDA’s Digital Lives of Australians 2021 research explores the online experiences of Australian consumers and small businesses, and provides a rich understanding of their online activities; the challenges they face; who they turn to for advice; and how they hope to use the Internet in the future.