The .au blog
Expert insights on .au domain names, internet governance and policy, cyber security and more.
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Help your small business get ahead online with .au
The numbers are in and they paint a clear picture: Australian consumers overwhelmingly prefer to shop online with businesses that have a .au website.
Emerging Leaders of Tech Q&A: Dana Cramer
Learn about Dana Cramer, PhD Candidate, President and CEO of the Youth IGF Canada, and her views on leadership and why it’s essential for young people to take an active role in the internet governance processes
Meet the projects: auDA 2025 Community Grant recipients
Each year auDA’s Community Grant Program awards 15 grants to innovative projects that enhance the benefits of the internet to the wider community. We asked the grant recipients to share a little about their project and what they’re excited about.
From the CEO: looking ahead in 2025
Learn about newly appointed auDA CEO Bruce Tonkin focus and vision for the organisation in 2025.
Engaging Communities: auDA’s impactful 2024
Throughout 2024, auDA was delighted to connect with the Australian community and .au members across the country, in person and online. As we reflect on the year, we wanted to share key 2024 member and community engagement highlights below.
ICANN 81 readout
auDA hosted a webinar to share news and key insights from ICANN81 with the Australian community. We've summarised the highlights for our blog.
Developing the next generation of internet leaders: APIGA Australia 2024
auDA launched the Asia Pacific Internet Governance Academy Australia (APIGA Australia) this November, providing a platform to cultivate the next generation of leaders to shape the future of the internet.
Building auDA’s online presence: behind the website launch
With the launch of the new website planned for late 2024, we sat down with members of the project team to discuss the design approach, technical uplift and accessibility improvements that informed its development.
Advancing global internet governance
There have been several significant internet governance developments in recent months. auDA is pleased to have been involved in key forums and discussions, advocating for the multi-stakeholder model of internet governance, both regionally and internationally.
Empowering future leaders – insights from APIGA 2024
auDA Compliance Officer Tess Partridge shares her experience and insights gained from the South Korean APIGA program. She provides a glimpse into what participants can expect at the upcoming inaugural APIGA Australia and offers advice on how to maximise this unique opportunity as a launchpad into the world of internet governance.
Australia’s IGF: connecting local to global
The 2024 Australian Internet Governance Forum (auIGF) took place in Melbourne over 28-29 October, bringing together Australia’s internet governance community to share their views on the most pressing internet governance matters for Australians. We share our key takeaways from the event.
auDA website launch: improved user experience is on the way
Over recent months, we’ve been hard at work redeveloping the auDA website to enhance user experience and help users find the information they need about .au and auDA with ease.