A domain name is an address on the Internet which people can use to find resources like websites, or send email.
For example - auda.org.au is a domain name which points to auDA's website.
Using domain names means we don't have to have to remember Internet Protocol (IP) Addresses. Every device connected to the internet - such as a server which hosts a website - has an IP address. which is a long strong of numbers and characters e.g. 2606:4700::6811:ed6b
The Domain Name System (DNS) matches domain names to IP addresses. When you type in a domain name into your web browser, it sends a request to a server (or a number of servers) for the IP address of the website you're trying to view, which then allows your browser to load it.
The process is similar when you send an email. When you push 'send' on an email, a request is sent to an email server, which then, based on the domain name in the recipient's email address, finds the IP address for the mail server for that domain name. That server, then forwards the email to the recipient.
Category: Registering a name