Uluru Statement from the Heart

The Board of the .au Domain Administration Limited (auDA) accepts the invitation to walk with First Nations peoples towards reconciliation, as set out in the Uluru Statement from the Heart. 

Consistent with our unwavering support for a multi-stakeholder approach to internet governance, we recognise that listening and learning from a diversity of perspectives empowers those with a voice and enables better outcomes.

The upcoming referendum provides a pivotal opportunity to reflect on our past, and importantly, have a say in the future we seek to forge as a nation. 

In the lead up to this moment, we encourage .au members and Australian stakeholders in our community to seek out and learn from informed voices, to help form their views.

Resources on the Uluru Statement from the Heart and the referendum can be found here:

•    Uluru Statement website
•    National Indigenous Australians Agency
•    Reconciliation Australia
•    The Australian Government’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice website 

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