Reappointment of auDA Chair

auDA is pleased to announce the reappointment of Alan Cameron AO as an Appointed Director and Independent Chair of the auDA Board. After consultation, the Nomination Committee recommended Alan Cameron’s appointment and the Board approved the appointment for three years from 16 February 2022. 

The early reappointment of Alan Cameron as Independent Chair will facilitate the process to be undertaken by the Nominations Committee during 2022 to identify, assess and recommend candidates for appointment or election as a Director of the Company. 

The election of three Elected Directors will form part of the proceedings of the 2022 Annual General Meeting (AGM). Members, including Associate Members who have chosen to transition to the new membership model before 27 September 2022, will be eligible to vote. The terms of three (of four) Elected Directors and the other five Appointed Directors are scheduled to conclude at the AGM this year. 

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