Cyber incident update

 On 18 August auDA was alerted to a claim that cyber criminals had accessed auDA data. 

auDA takes such claims extremely seriously. auDA worked quickly to notify the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC), the Department of Home Affairs and the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) and began work with industry experts to investigate the claim.

Today, the cyber criminal has provided evidence of a small sample of data they say is in their possession. It includes screenshots of a file list from a computer.

Our investigation remains ongoing, including to verify the cyber criminal’s claims and the provenance of this data. 

We will provide an update when further information is available.

In the interim, we encourage everyone to remain vigilant to potential malicious online activity such as phishing attempts and scams from persons or organisations requesting, or using, your personal details. Do not open attachments or click links in emails or social media messages unless you are certain the sender is genuine, or you have verified them. auDA will not reach out to anyone and ask for your passwords for sensitive information. Report any fraudulent activity immediately to the related provider.


For auDA enquires see here. 

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