auDA CEO Rosemary Sinclair to step down in late 2024

The auDA Board announces that Rosemary Sinclair AM will step down as auDA CEO at the year’s end.

Rosemary joined auDA in March 2020 with an outstanding record of executive leadership across the telecommunications, energy and media sectors in Australia.

Since that time, she has overseen a period of renewed collaboration with auDA’s multi-stakeholder community including .au members, industry, civil society and government; and she has reset auDA’s strategy and focus to advocate for the .au and champion an open, free, secure and global internet as an underpinning to Australia’s digital economy.

auDA Chair, Alan Cameron AO, thanked Rosemary for her careful stewardship of auDA, saying, “Rosemary has worked tirelessly to build public trust in auDA and promote the value of the .au.

“She has demonstrated strong leadership in enhancing the security and compliance activity; delivering a successful registry services tender; developing a new .au member program; reshaping auDA’s public benefit program; and launching Australia’s newest namespace, .au direct.  This work has been instrumental in growing trust and confidence in the .au, and has seen it grow to become the seventh largest country code Top Level Domain in the world.”

Alan Cameron said, “On behalf of the Board, I thank Rosemary for the energy she has brought to the organisation and the significant outcomes she has achieved during her tenure. We appreciate her commitment to stay on until December 2024 to allow for a smooth transition to her successor.”

In acknowledging her end of year departure, Rosemary stated, “I am pleased to have built a strong team with a focus on good governance and administering the .au in the public interest. On my departure, auDA is well placed to continue to deliver on its mandate to ensure a secure, stable and reliable .au, deliver a transparent, responsive and efficient licensing regime and to advocate for multi-stakeholder processes locally and globally. There remain several significant projects to deliver in 2024 but thereafter I look forward to continuing to contribute in other ways and spending more time with my family, especially the little ones I am fortunate to have in my life.”

The Board will conduct an open search for a new CEO, the details of which will be announced in due course.


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