Appointments to the auDA Board

auDA is pleased to announce two new Appointed Directors to the auDA Board and three candidates for its upcoming Elected Director Ballot. The Appointed Directors and candidates were approved by the Board following an assessment process against the auDA Board Skills Matrix.

Appointed Directors

The new Appointed Directors to the auDA Board are Tara Commerford and Thu-Trang Tran. Tara and Thu-Trang will commence their terms following auDA’s Annual General Meeting on 15 November 2023.

Elected Director Ballot

On 19 October 2023, a ballot will open for auDA members to elect a candidate to fill one Elected Director position on the auDA Board. auDA is pleased to announce three highly qualified candidates standing for election:
• Sally Basser
• Peter Elford
• Maha Krishnapillai.

All auDA members are eligible to vote in the Elected Director Ballot, which will be managed independently by Link Market Services.

Members will receive an invitation to participate in the ballot and information on three candidates from Link Market Services on 19 October 2023 and will have until 5pm 13 November 2023 (AEDT) to cast their vote electronically.

The result of the ballot will be announced at auDA’s 2023 Annual General Meeting on 15 November 2023 and the successful Elected Director will commence their term directly following the Annual General Meeting.

Departing Directors

Matt Healy stepped down from the auDA Board on 30 September 2023 to take up another role. Current auDA Director Jacqueline Korhonen will step down from the Board when her term ends on 15 November 2023.

auDA thanks Matt and Jackie for the significant contributions they have made to .au and auDA during their terms and for the deep expertise they brought to the auDA Board. Matt was Chair of the Governance and Culture Committee and member of the Security and Risk Committee and Audit Committee. Jacqueline is a member of the Security and Risk Committee and the Finance and Sustainability Committee. auDA wishes them well in their future endeavours.


Note to media:

The auDA Constitution requires that the Board consist of five Appointed Directors, four Elected Directors and one Independent Chairperson. The Constitution can be found on the auDA website.

Alan Cameron AO was reappointed as an Appointed Director and the Independent Chair of the auDA Board for a three-year term from 16 February 2022.

Sandra Davey, Sandra Hook and Alice McCleary are continuing Appointed Directors. Angelo Giuffrida, Wendy Thorpe and Mike Trovato are continuing Elected Directors. Their current terms commenced on 16 November 2022.

Additional information about the auDA Board is available on the auDA website.

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