Wholesale .au domain pricing

Discover how .au domain name licence pricing is set, and the differences in pricing between domain name providers.

auDA is responsible for setting the wholesale price to register .au domain name licences.

auDA accredited .au registrars register .au domain name licences at the wholesale price offered by Identity Digital Australia Pty Ltd.

.au domain name providers (registrars and resellers) set their own retail price for .au domain names available to the public. Pricing varies between providers and can vary depending on other supporting services a domain name licence holder (registrant) chooses to purchase, such as web hosting and email hosting.

Wholesale price per annum

Wholesale prices are inclusive of GST.

Prices set as of 1 October 2024:

  • .au direct: AUD$9.30
  • asn.au: AUD$9.30
  • com.au: AUD$9.30
  • id.au: AUD$9.30
  • net.au: AUD$9.30
  • org.au: AUD$9.30

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