The .au Co-Marketing Program
The .au Co-Marketing Program (.au CMP) offers eligible registrars the opportunity to apply for funding for marketing activity that aims to grow the .au domain.
The program is open to auDA Accredited Registrars that are in good standing and actively selling .au domain names.
The .au CMP objectives are to:
- Drive quality net growth of .au domains under management
- Build consistency and reach of the .au domain and namespace brands at point of purchase
- Build a diverse, resilient, and competitive registrar industry.
Support available
Registrars will need to submit an application to receive funding through the .au CMP.
Details on the application process and the information required for each type of funding can be found in the documents linked below.
Applications will be reviewed and assessed by the .au CMP Assessment Committee and suitable projects will be recommended to the auDA CEO for final approval.
Applications can be sent to
Registrars approved to receive Campaign Grant funding are required to submit activity and acquittal reports as part of the funding terms and conditions.
The .au CMP submits regular activity reports to the auDA Board, and will publish high level overviews of program activity as part of auDA’s regular public reporting.
Program documents
.au Co-Marketing Program: Overview (July 2024)
.au CMP: Master Agreement and Funding Terms (July 2024)
.au CMP: .au Brand Activation Grant - brand guidelines (July 2024)
.au CMP: .au Brand Activation Grant - application form
.au CMP: Campaign Funding Grant - application form
Key dates 2024-25
Toolkits and brand resources
For enquiries related to the .au CMP, please email