Become an accredited registrar
Learn how your organisation can become an auDA accredited .au registrar.
.au registrars are entities accredited by auDA to have direct access to the .au registry database. They offer .au domain name licence registration services and can process new registrations, renewals and updates to registration details directly in the .au registry database. They can also offer domain name licence registration services to .au resellers through contractual agreements.
Accredited .au registrars play a key role in ensuring the .au country code Top Level Domain (ccTLD) remains highly trusted in the Australian community, and work with auDA to maintain its reputation as one of the world's most stable and secure ccTLDs.
Applying for registrar accreditation
Applications for auDA accreditation are open to Australian companies as well as foreign companies holding an Australian Registered Body Number (ARBN).
Accreditation process
Once we receive your application, we’ll guide you through our accreditation process to verify that your organisation meets the terms of the Registrar Agreement. Key requirements include: