Direct Registration Advisory Panel (2017)

Direct registration (.au direct) is one of the most substantial developments for the internet in Australia since the .au domain was created over 30 years ago. For the first time, individuals and businesses will be able to register shorter, simpler and more memorable domains directly before the 'dot' in .au, such as "".

With over 3 million .au domains currently registered, the introduction of direct registration will strengthen the .au domain space as Australia’s home on the internet, while creating exciting new opportunities for all users of the .au domain space.

To ensure that we engage with as many interested and affected parties as possible, we intend to undertake extensive public consultation in the formal policy development process. This will include commissioning independent market research, both quantitative (using online surveys) and qualitative (using interviews with selected key stakeholders). This research will ensure policy development reflects stakeholder feedback and industry experience.

Direct Registration Advisory Panel (AP)

We have also invited independent experts to sit on a Direct Registration Advisory Panel (AP) to review feedback from the research and draft policy development. That panel includes the following:

  • Michelle Price - COO - Australian Cyber Security Growth Network
  • Kee Wong - National Chair - AIIA
  • Liam Nevill - Analyst - ASPI
  • Patrick Fair - Partner - Baker McKenzie
  • John Stanton - CEO - Communications Alliance


Phase one of research commenced on 14 February 2017, comprising qualitative interviews with members and other stakeholders.

Phase two commenced on 26 April 2017 with a quantitative survey distributed to 200,000 .au domain owners and the general public. Further qualitative interviews with regulators, industry and other stakeholders followed soon after.

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