Director elected to the auDA Board

auDA is pleased to announce Claire Rogers was elected to the auDA Board in the 2024 Elected Director Ballot, as voted by auDA members and declared at tonight’s Annual General Meeting.

Claire has extensive expertise spanning governance and risk, digital transformation, finance, and people and culture. She is an experienced leader in service-based industries and is co-founder of a company providing screening services in the care and community sectors.

auDA Chair Alan Cameron AO said, “I welcome Claire Rogers to the auDA Board. Joining auDA with a breadth of experience, Claire is well placed to support the Board as we continue to guide auDA’s delivery of a secure, reliable, trusted .au.”

On 15 October 2024, auDA announced that Brett Fenton and Tina Wyer have been appointed to the auDA Board. Brett, Tina and Claire commence their terms today.

Brett, Tina and Claire will join Independent Chair, Alan Cameron AO, and fellow Directors Sandra Davey, Peter Elford, Sandra Hook, Wendy Thorpe, Thu-Trang Tran and Mike Trovato whose terms are continuing.

We also announced on 15 October that Directors Angelo Giuffrida and Alice McCleary will step down from the auDA Board and conclude their terms today. auDA extends its thanks to Angelo and Alice for their meaningful contributions to auDA. Angelo and Alice will continue as members of auDA’s Nomination Committee.

auDA thanks its members for their engagement with the Elected Director Ballot and attendance, both in person and virtually, at today’s Annual General Meeting.


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