Data incident regarding domain name records
auDA is aware there was a software error in a tool on the WHOIS page of its website. Access to the tool has now been removed and users have been directed to an alternate .au WHOIS tool.
The software error meant it was possible to view additional registrant information contained within the domain name record (postal address, phone and fax number). Nothing on the page alerted viewers to the fact that they could access this information and it was only accessible via developer tools, available within web browsers.
The records of approximately 1,500 domain name registrations may have been impacted, of which 800 are associated with registered companies.
auDA takes data privacy seriously and we apologise for this inadvertent disclosure of personal information.
At no point was the WHOIS service offline or WHOIS availability affected by the software error.
auDA has notified the Office of the Information Commissioner and the Australian Cyber Security Centre of this incident. We are taking proactive steps to contact all those who may be affected as quickly as possible, and thank you for your patience as we do so.
For those who would like more information, please contact auDA at 1300 732 929 (within Australia) or +61 3 8341 4111 (international calls). This number is available 8am-8pm AEDT on weekdays and 8am-2pm AEDT on Saturdays. Extended hours will be available from 8am-8pm AEDT on Saturday 7 and Sunday 8 December 2024.
For media enquires contact
For compliance and verification purposes, the WHOIS tool is designed to allow searches of domain name registrations and to display the name and email address of contacts associated with a domain name licence.
Making limited information available through a publicly accessible tool is a standard feature of domain name systems around the world and supports online accountability.
Advice on privacy and data protection is available at:
We remind you to always verify the sender of electronic communications to check they are legitimate and not to click on links contained within text or email messages.