auDA’s 2023-24 Annual Report: Shaping .au: A multi-stakeholder approach

.au Domain Administration (auDA) today released its 2023-24 Annual Report, exploring the theme Shaping .au: a multi-stakeholder approach.

In 2023-24, auDA continued to work collaboratively alongside stakeholders and industry peers to deliver a secure, reliable .au and uphold an open, interoperable and global internet.

The Annual Report describes our work throughout 2023-24 and outlines key highlights from the financial year, which include:

  • Supporting more than 4.2 million .au domain names and maintaining 100 per cent availability for the .au domain name system (DNS), enabling internet users to connect with .au websites and email addresses
  • Driving instances of DNS abuse down to only 0.0002 per cent of .au domain names, well below the global average
  • Releasing auDA’s inaugural Public Policy Agenda and Internet Governance Roadmap to guide our policy and advocacy work
  • Growing and diversifying the .au membership base to more than 5,000 members who help inform our understanding of the digital needs of Australians
  • Publishing four research reports – Digital Lives of Australians 2023 and 2024, Atlas of Australia Online 2023 and Future Scenarios Project Report – to inform auDA’s work and drive improvements in digital policy and industry initiatives
  • Awarding $600,000 for community projects and supporting four Research and Development pilot projects to unlock greater value from the internet for Australians.

auDA Chair Alan Cameron AO said, “auDA’s 2023-24 Annual Report details auDA’s work over the financial year to deliver a trusted, secure .au. auDA delivered excellence in its core functions and diligently advocated for, and committed to, multi-stakeholder processes across all aspects of its work.”

auDA CEO Rosemary Sinclair AM said, “During 2023-24, auDA successfully delivered critical .au infrastructure and services and contributed to the community through advocacy, research and grants. Through this work, auDA not only supports Australians online but also promotes improved internet policy and governance on an international stage to benefit internet users globally.”


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