A Technical Community Coalition for Multistakeholderism: our Statement of Purpose

In April, auDA, alongside other country code Top Level Domain (ccTLD) managers CIRA for .ca, InternetNZ for .nz and Nominet for .uk, announced the establishment of a technical community Coalition dedicated to supporting multi-stakeholder internet governance, and invited others to join us in our mission. auDA is proud to have been instrumental in the formation of the Coalition, following the agenda we set out in our 2023 Internet Governance Roadmap

A few months on from the Coalition’s launch, we are pleased by the interest shown in this initiative. The Coalition has grown and has already had an influence on the discussions on the Global Digital Compact (see for instance our February and April blogs highlighting this work).

As such, we are delighted to be able to share the Coalition’s Statement of Purpose, which sets out its agenda and includes the list of initial organisations that have signed up to support it. 

We are pleased to have a diverse range of organisations join us from around the world, including ccTLD and generic Top Level Domain (gTLD) registries and registrars, and regional internet registries. The Coalition will be a growing voice in the months and years to come in standing up for the multi-stakeholder model of internet governance, which has stood the test of time and directly contributed to the technological success of the internet. 

Coalition participants will deepen our collaboration and cooperation to be an effective voice. It is important to make sure our perspectives are heard in the debates and decisions at the United Nations this year and in 2025. A further benefit will be to build stronger relationships between organisations across the internet’s technical community. 

The open, free, secure and global internet relies on maintaining an effective, inclusive internet governance system. The multi-stakeholder approach is what has enabled the internet’s success to date and is vital to its continued development and growth.

Every voice raised in support of this work will help make a difference. If you share the Coalition’s position, and belong to a technical community organisation that is part of the internet, we welcome you to get involved.

In the coming weeks, there will also be a website launched with the Statement, an archive of the Coalition’s work, and more information about how you can participate. 

If you plan to attend ICANN’s Policy Forum in Kigali, the auDA team would be pleased to meet with you to talk about the Coalition and how you can get involved. You can get in touch with the auDA Internet Governance team to let us know about your interest or organise to meet with us by email: internet.governance@auda.org.au.  

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