Insights from the 2024 .au member survey
.au members play a critical role in auDA’s multi-stakeholder community. They provide insight into how Australians use the internet and enhance auDA’s understanding of Australians’ online needs, contributing to auDA’s work and the future of .au. We recently conducted the 2024 .au member survey to understand how we can best support our .au members and learn what matters to them most.
Below we explore some of the key takeaways from the survey.
Support for the .au domain
auDA is proud of our role in administering a secure and trusted .au on behalf of Australians, and this year’s survey found growing support for the independent administration of the .au domain. In 2024, two thirds of members identified this as their primary reason for holding .au membership, a significant increase from half of all members surveyed in 2022. In addition, almost three in ten members express an interest in contributing to auDA policymaking processes.
auDA remains committed to ensuring .au members are provided opportunities to have their say on matters related to .au and auDA. We will continue to invite .au members to voice their feedback in a range of forums, including via public consultation and direct feedback to the auDA team.

2024 .au member survey results
Preference for online learning
A strong preference for digital learning opportunities was identified in the survey. More than a third of members are interested in accessing online tutorials and webinars. The preference for digital education over face-to-face formats indicates a desire for flexible learning opportunities that can be accessed remotely.
The member program will continue to offer in-person workshops and events but will otherwise maintain its focus on digital education. Excitingly, the .au membership team has been developing a .au member portal to provide a hub for on-demand content for members. The portal will launch shortly and we’ll notify members by email when it becomes available.
Cyber security and .au domain name management are key areas of interest
Cyber security and .au domain name management are the top two topics of interest amongst members, with three in five saying they are most interested in educational content on those topics. These areas of interest make sense given nine of ten .au members hold at least one .au domain name and cyber security is front of mind following high profile cyber attacks in recent years.
Members also shared that they value information on privacy, emerging technology, and internet governance and policy.
These topics are important focus areas for auDA and we look forward to bringing members more content that addresses their evolving needs and interests.
Looking ahead
Valuable insights from the 2024 .au member survey are already informing the development of the .au membership program for the coming financial year. Members can expect more online learning opportunities on key topics of interest and continued support to share their voice on matters related to auDA and .au.
Thank you to the members who contributed to the survey, and to all .au members for your ongoing support of the .au, helping us maintain it as a secure, accessible and trusted asset for Australians.
Do you have questions about your .au membership, or wish to provide further feedback? Get in contact with the .au membership team.
Not yet a .au member? It’s complimentary and allows you to show your support for an open, free, secure and global internet – join us today.