auDA webinar: Ignite your curiosity ahead of IETF 119

Monday, 2 October 2023
10.00 am AEST

With an overriding mission of making the internet work better, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is the premier standards development organisation (SDO) for the internet. The IETF makes voluntary technical standards for internet users, network operators and equipment vendors, and thus helps shape the trajectory of the internet’s evolution.

There is no membership in the IETF. Anyone can participate by signing up to a working group mailing list or by registering for an IETF meeting. All IETF participants are considered volunteers and participate as individuals.

In March 2024, the IETF will gather in Brisbane for its IETF 119 meeting, at which more than 1000 technology leaders from around the world will gather.

In this webinar we will be joined by two long-time IETF participants who will outline how the IETF works, discuss the latest developments and hot topics expected at IETF 119, and explain how to get involved ahead of the upcoming meeting.

Mark Nottingham has been a prominent figure in shaping the internet over the past 25 years, with extensive contributions to IETF Request for Comments (RFCs) and World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Recommendations. 

Bron Gondwana has been working as a programmer and developer for over 20 years. Now, in addition to his role as CEO of Fastmail, he co-chairs a number of IETF working groups and continues to apply his programming language skills in a range of development projects.


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