auDA Webinar: How trade marks, business names and domain names protect your brand

Tuesday, 13 June 2023
8:00 pm AEST

Are you puzzled by the differences between trade marks, business names and domain names? Do you want to know how these elements play a role in protecting your brand and business online?

Join us for a 45-minute webinar delivered by Mr Bogdan Mitic, from the Quality, Practise and Customers Section of IP Australia and an expert in trade marks. The webinar will provide participants with an understanding of the intricacies of Australian trade marks, business names and domain names and shed light on their unique characteristics and legal implications.

Topics covered will include:

  • How registered trade marks serve as valuable assets for brand recognition and consumer trust
  • Tips on conducting comprehensive trade mark searches
  • Filing for registration and enforcing your rights.

View the recording.

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