In 2025, auDA will commence a review of the .au Domain Administration Rules: Licensing (.au Licensing Rules), led by an independent multi-stakeholder Policy Advisory Panel.
The .au Licensing Rules set out auDA’s rules and conditions for registering, holding, renewing and transferring .au domain name licences. Regularly reviewing the .au Licensing Rules through multi-stakeholder decision-making processes is critical to ensure the rules remain effective, relevant and fair.
We are seeking input from members of the public on issues that they believe should be included in a review of the .au Licensing Rules. As such, auDA has drafted an Issues Discovery Paper to collect community feedback on the .au Licensing Rules.
The feedback provided during this Issues Discovery Paper consultation will help us develop the Terms of Reference for the Policy Advisory Panel and reflect key areas for potential improvement identified by the community.
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The public consultation for the .au Licensing Rules Issues Discovery Paper commences at 9am on Thursday 20 February 2025 and closes at 5pm on Thursday 13 March 2025 AEDT.
Feedback received during the .au Licensing Rules Issues Discovery Paper consultation will be used to inform the development of the Terms of Reference for the Policy Advisory Panel.
Feedback will not be published, however, insights from the feedback received will be made available to the Policy Advisory Panel for their consideration during the review process.