What is the auDA Research and Development Grant Program?

This is a new grant program from auDA’s Public Benefit Program to support our strategic objective to invest in innovation by others.

The FY2024-25 Research and Development Grant Program Applicant Guidelines provide detailed information on what we are seeking to fund and how to apply.

How many grants are available?

In FY2024-25, the auDA Board will consider funding up to two grants, with each grant to receive funding over a period of three years.

How much can I apply for?

Applications can be submitted for three-year grants seeking between $300,000 and $500,000 per annum. 

Grants are considered a gift and are exclusive of GST.

Please refer to the Guidelines for further information on what can be included in your project budget.

What is the maximum project duration?

The maximum project duration is 42 months, which must include time for reporting and acquittal.

Who is eligible to apply?

Eligible applicants must be an Australian university or research organisation registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profit Commission (ACNC). 

Consortiums and collaborations are encouraged and must appoint a lead organisation which must meet all eligibility requirements. Applicants must ensure all partners, including any international partners, are listed in their application and include a letter of support from each of the partner organisations. 

The lead organisation will be responsible for communications regarding the program with auDA or its authorised vendors, and, if successful, for signing the grant agreement and ensuring reporting requirements are met.

Please refer to the Guidelines for further detail on eligibility requirements. Eligibility criteria cannot be waived.

How many applications can we submit?

Applicants may submit one application per organisation except universities which may submit one application per faculty, up to a maximum of three applications. 

All applications from universities must be approved for submission by the university Advancement team.

Applicants are welcome to collaborate with others on additional applications. 

What types of projects and activities are eligible?

The FY2024-25 Research and Development Grant Program will fund initiatives that support the auDA Public Benefit Program goal to deliver impact through projects on the following themes:

  • The role of the domain name system (DNS)
  • Governance of the internet (including the DNS)
  • Technical resilience of the DNS
  • Digital Inclusion. 

Eligible projects must not duplicate activities that have already been funded through a grant or commissioned research by auDA. 

Please refer to the Guidelines for further information on eligible activities.

What types of activities are not eligible?

Ineligible activities include:

  • Political lobbying activity, including activities to influence the outcome of any specific public election
  • Any religious or sectarian purpose
  • Any activity that may lead to private financial benefit of individuals beyond incidental items such as payment of reasonable employment salaries
  • Any unlawful activity in Australia.

How are applications assessed?

auDA staff will conduct an initial review to ensure applications are eligible.

An Independent Expert Panel will review all eligible applications against the assessment criteria and recommend a shortlist for the auDA Board to consider. 

The decision of the auDA Board will be final.

Please refer to the Guidelines for further information regarding the assessment process including the criteria. 

What reporting will be required?

Progress reports will be required throughout the duration of the grant. These reports should include quantitative and qualitative data regarding the progress of the project against the agreed milestones as well as a financial report detailing expenditure to date.

A final acquittal report will also be due at the conclusion of the project and should detail achievement of goals and objectives and final expenditures for the project.

Please refer to the Guidelines for further information regarding additional monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment requirements.

When will we find out if our application was successful?

The auDA Board will make their decision in early February 2025. Applicants will be notified of the outcome by mid-February.