Preparing your application

1. What reports and governance documents do we need to provide?

Your organisation must be registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission.

We will refer to your information on the Charity Register during our assessment of your application. Please ensure your financial reporting and responsible person listing is up to date. Financial Reports must be signed by your auditors.

2. Can we apply for funds to provide digital skills for our stakeholders? 

The grant cannot be used to fund basic digital skills training or development. 

There are many free and accessible resources available from not-for-profit organisations such as Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) and Good Things Foundation Australia. 

Applicants must be confident they have adequate skills and resources to deliver their proposed project. auDA seeks to select projects that can be delivered by digitally capable organisations in particular with established policies and procedures to manage cyber security and protect stakeholder data. 

Infoxchange is a not-for-profit social enterprise that has been delivering technology for social justice for over 30 years. Infoxchange offers a range of guides and training for not-for-profits that need to assess or build their digital capability. Further information can be found at their Digital Transformation Hub.

3. Can we apply for funds to purchase devices, data or software?

The grant cannot be used for the purchase of IT equipment including devices, data or software.

Visit the Infoxchange website for information on how Australian not-for-profits can source discounted and donated technology for their organisation or their stakeholders.   

ACCAN maintains a list of organisations that may be able to help you source affordable devices.   

Designing your project

4. What evidence do we need to provide in our grant application?

The Community Grant Program will fund proposals where the need, potential solution and impact are well-evidenced.

Your evidence may be quantitative or qualitative data, including from:

  • Government sources such as Australian Bureau of Statistics, Department of Social Services or your local council  
  • Research or inquiries such as a Royal Commission  
  • Quantitative and qualitative feedback from stakeholders  
  • Tools such as the Social Cohesion Compass.

We will fund projects with demonstrated community engagement. We also ask you to provide letters of support from project partners, focus area representatives or stakeholders. The letter should indicate that your project partners, priority group representatives and stakeholders think your proposal has merit and that your organisation is best-placed to deliver the activity. Letters that demonstrate authentic community consultation or co-design will be well-regarded.

5. How long do we have to deliver our project?

The Program will fund proposals where the activities can be delivered in 12 months or less. The grant activity period is from 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2025. Please ensure you have identified the necessary staff, expertise, equipment, approvals and stakeholder relationships essential for your timely delivery.

You should consider whether any ethics approval is required and the impact that may have on your ability to deliver the project in the 12 months grant period. This may be most relevant for applicants from universities.  

6. Must the project budget be exactly $40,000?

The total project budget can be more than $40,000.

Your total project budget should be such that a grant is a meaningful contribution. Applicants are required to make an in-kind or financial contribution of at least 10 per cent of the total project cost. Any other funding sources will need to be confirmed before a grant can be awarded.   

7. Can we apply for funding for a new website or application?

auDA will fund website or APP development only if it delivers high impact functionality for your stakeholders. We may consider projects that: 

  • Incorporate high levels of accessibility as needed by your stakeholders
  • Deliver information in an underserved language.

Sustainability and impact

8. How can we demonstrate our project will be sustainable?

Sustainability means your project will continue to have impact beyond the grant period. We will look for projects that:  

  • Develop new resources, processes or activities that become incorporated into your business as usual and help you better serve your stakeholders 

  • Develop a service or tool that can generate revenue for your operations or to invest in new initiatives.  

  • Develop stronger ongoing partnerships with your project stakeholders  

  • Communicate your findings with a broader and/or influential audience so that more Australians benefit from your project.

9. How can we demonstrate our project will have impact?  

We know change takes time. In your application you should include information about your inputs, outputs, outcomes and potential impact as well as how you will measure and evaluate that you have achieved digital inclusion or digital innovation. This will let us know the potential impact your project may have in the short, medium and long term for your organisation, your stakeholders and your sector.  

The following organisations provide free resources about evaluation and measuring impact: