Which rules apply to my .au domain name?

Each .au namespace is subject to a set of registration rules that determines who can register them and what name they can have.

What are the .au Licensing Rules?

The .au Licensing Rules set out the terms and conditions related to the registration of .au domain names.

They apply to registrants (domain name holders) and registrars (entities accredited by auDA to manage registrations and update .au registry data).

The rules set out the requirements registrants must meet to register a .au domain name and to hold the .au domain name. The rules also set out the complaints and dispute resolution processes to address issues related to .au domain name registrations.

auDA develops the .au rules through multi-stakeholder processes involving a range of stakeholders including industry, government and the community.

Which rules apply to my .au domain name?

There are two sets of licensing rules for .au domain names. The set that applies to your .au domain name depends on when your current domain name licence period began. A new domain name licence period commences at the time of registration, renewal or transfer.

The current .au Domain Administration Licensing Rules (.au Licensing Rules) came into effect at 10am AEST on 12 April 2021. They apply to all names created, renewed or transferred after that time.

The legacy published policies apply to domain names where the licence period commenced before 10:00 AEST, 12 April 2021.

Find the right version

You can use the Licensing Version tool to find out which version of the .au rules apply to your .au domain name.

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