Additional .au domain name services

Find important information about your .au domain name, including how to recover your .au domain name password or find your registrar of record.

Recover your domain name password

Your .au domain name password – sometimes referred to as an authorisation code – authcode” or EPP AuthInfo code – is needed to authorise important actions such as transferring a .au domain name to a new registrar of record.

The authorisation code is unique for each .au domain name licence, and is not the same as the username and password used to access your account with your .au domain name provider (reseller or registrar), where you can manage multiple domain name licences at once. If you don’t remember or misplace your password, use the password recovery tool to retrieve it.

Password recovery

The password information is sent to the domain name holder (registrant) contact email address listed in the .au registry database so it's important that your registrant contact information is up to date. To update your contact details, contact your domain name provider.

Update your information

Find a .au domain name's creation date

The original creation and current expiry dates of .au domain names are not available in the public .au WHOIS lookup tool. To find out the original creation date of your .au domain name, use the .au domain name recovery password tool.

After submission, an email with a single-use link will be sent to the registrant contact email address listed in the .au registry database. The link will include the following information:

  • Domain name creation date
  • Domain name licence expiry date
  • The registrar of record's name
  • Domain name password.

This email will only be sent to the registrant contact email address – the email you listed when registering your .au domain name – and cannot be redirected to another email address.

If you are not the registrant you can only request the creation date of a .au domain name in the following circumstances:

  • As part of an .au Dispute Resolution Policy (auDRP) dispute
  • As part of an Australian court proceeding.

You can do this by submitting a request via the creation date request form.

How to find your registrar of record

There are two broad categories of .au domain name providers – .au registrars and .au resellers. Whether you registered your .au domain name directly through a registrar or via a reseller, you will have a registrar of record and on occasion you may be required to contact that registrar of record about matters related to your .au domain name.

Find registrar of record

In some cases, you or your organisation may have multiple domain names registered using different registration details, including:

  • Domain names registered to your personal name or company
  • Domain names registered to various employees within a company
  • Domain names registered through different domain name providers.

To check the .au domain names registered using your details – such as a company or business name, Australian Company Number (ACN) or Australian Business Number (ABN) – across all auDA accredited registrars, complete a Registry Search Request Form.

The form can only be submitted by you or an authorised representative of your organisation and must include proof of identity or authorisation.

All information collected and provided is handled in accordance with auDA’s Privacy Policy.

auDA will respond to your submission within 14 calendar days.

Cancel a .au domain name

You can request a cancellation of your .au domain name at any time during your licence period.

Contact your registrar of record to initiate the cancellation process.

The registrar is required to cancel the domain licence within two days of receiving your written request.

Change of mind

If you change your mind about cancelling your .au domain name licence, you can request to restore a domain name within two calendar days of the licence being cancelled by the registrar. The registrar may charge you a fee to restore a cancelled domain name.

If you’ve registered a new .au domain name licence, it comes with a three-day cooling-off period.

The .au domain name drop list

The Official Domain Name Drop List is the list of .au domain names that are set to be purged (deleted or “dropped”) from the .au registry.

Once a domain name is dropped from the registry it becomes available to register again by the general public on a first-come, first served basis.

The drop list is published every day by .au registry provider Identity Digital Australia.

Access the Official Domain Name Drop List

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