How to use the .au WHOIS tool

The .au WHOIS tool provides information about .au domain name registrations and helps support the integrity of the .au.

The .au WHOIS tool

The .au WHOIS tool allows you to quickly look up information about a domain name licence in the .au registry to view select publicly-accessible information about a .au domain name registrations.

Start your search

A WHOIS search allows you to:

  • Check the availability of a .au domain name
  • Identify the registrant of a .au domain name (the person or entity that holds the domain name licence)
  • Contact .au registrants about matters relating to their domain name.

The ability to find information about the registrant who holds a .au domain name via the .au WHOIS tool supports transparency and the accountability of the .au licensing system, which in turn supports the integrity of the .au domain.

Two people search for the perfect domain name.

How to use the .au WHOIS

To make a query, simply type a .au domain name into the address lookup field. You only need to enter the domain name of the web address, for example ''.

.au WHOIS terms of use

In line with the auDA WHOIS Policy the .au WHOIS tool must not be used to:

  • Aggregate, collect or compile information from the WHOIS database, whether for personal or commercial purposes
  • Enable the sending of unsolicited electronic communications
  • Enable high volume, automated, electronic processes that send queries or data to the systems of Identity Digital, any registrar, any registrant or auDA.

There are mechanisms in place to limit this kind of illegitimate activity such as the Google reCAPTCHA system.

Industry professionals can also access the WHOIS via TCP port-43. The .au WHOIS service will respond on port-43 of using the WHOIS protocol (RFC 3912).

Visit the .au WHOIS tool to look up a .au domain name.

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