Glossary of domain name terms
Learn commonly used terms related to auDA, the domain name system and internet governance.
A two-character Top Level Domain reserved for a specific country listed in the ISO 3166 standard (e.g. .au).
Cyber security encompasses protection and detection mechanisms, processes and systems to safeguard data and systems from cyber threats and vulnerabilities.
Digital transformation is the increasing adoption of digital technology in economies and societies. Digital transformation supports economic growth and social connection through greater online connectivity.
A human-readable internet address that allows internet users to find websites and send emails without having to remember complex Internet Protocol (IP) addresses.
When you register a domain name you don't 'own' it, instead you're granted permission to use the domain name for specific period of time via a licence. The domain name holder (registrant) can choose to renew the licence before its expiry date or let it lapse, making the domain name available to be registered by other eligible parties.
Entities that offer .au domain name registration services to the public. There are two broad categories of domain name providers – registrars and resellers.
A critical component of the internet that enables users to find and connect to websites and email addresses by mapping domain names to their corresponding IP addresses. The .au DNS is defined as critical infrastructure under Federal legislation.
Malicious behaviour that uses the DNS and domain names to carry out online harm. DNS abuse is classified into five categories:
- Malware (such as ransomware)
- Botnets
- Phishing
- Pharming
- Spam (where it facilitates one of the other four categories of DNS abuse).
Security extensions that facilitate the digital signing of DNS records, helping to ensure the integrity and authenticity of DNS information.
A DNS query is a request for information sent from an internet connected device to a DNS server. When an internet user types a domain name into an internet search bar or sends an email, they commence a DNS query.
The International Integrated Reporting Framework is a globally recognised framework for corporate reporting based on integrated thinking. It focuses on how the organisation creates value in the short, medium and long term.
Internationalised domain names contain characters in non-Latin scripts. They enable people around the world to use domain names in local languages and scripts.
The organisation responsible for coordinating the internet’s number and naming systems to help ensure a stable, secure and unified global internet.
A unique series of numbers identifying where a website or email address is hosted online e.g. is the IP address for auDA’s website. Every internet-connected device has an IP address that allows devices to communicate with each other. IP addresses are long and often difficult to remember. The DNS maps IP addresses to domain names, which makes it easier for internet users to find what they are looking for online.
ISO, the International Organization for Standardization, publishes an international standard for best practice information security.
An international standard for best practice business continuity management.
auDA’s multi-stakeholder community is the network of key stakeholders that auDA regularly interacts with including the .au registry operator, registrars, resellers, registrants, local, state, and federal government entities, civil society, academia, industry bodies, technical community and .au members.
The rules, policies, standards and practices that coordinate and shape global cyberspace, which operate largely by consensus, with ideas and proposals debated on their merits. This leads to outcomes that have considered a full range of perspectives and have broad support. Representatives from governments, industry, the technical community, civil society and academia all participate on an equal footing.
Domain name extensions including .au direct,,, etc.
Online platforms and marketplaces are internet-based services such as search engines, social media platforms and online retailers that provide goods or services from multiple suppliers on a single online platform.
An open, free, secure and global internet is an internet that is interoperable across borders, accessible to all without undue restrictions, and is safe, reliable and resilient.
The individual or organisation who holds a domain name licence. Registrants do not own a domain name. They hold a licence that allows them to use the registered domain name for the duration of the licence period.
Companies that offer domain name services to the public, including registering, maintaining and renewing .au domain name licences. auDA accredited .au registrars are accredited by auDA to offer .au domain name registration services. They have direct access to the .au registry database.
A database of all licensed .au domain names and associated information, such as the name and contact details of the registrant and registrar. Selected registry data is publicly available via the .au WHOIS tool, which allows people to find information about a .au domain name licence.
The .au registry operator is a third-party contracted by auDA to deliver registry services and support the reliable operation of the .au domain. Identity Digital Australia (formerly known as Afilias Australia) was appointed as the .au registry operator following a global tender process in 2017 and reappointed following a subsequent global tender process in 2023.
Businesses that provide domain name registration services to the public but are not auDA accredited .au registrars. .au resellers do not have direct access to the .au registry database. They register domain names through an interface with a registrar.
The Security of Critical Infrastructure Act 2018 (Cth), often referred to as the SOCI Act, is Federal legislation that outlines the legal obligations for operators of critical infrastructure assets. The .au DNS is defined as Australian critical infrastructure under the SOCI Act.
The Terms of Endorsement outline the Federal Government’s formal endorsement of auDA. auDA must operate the .au for the benefit of all Australians in accordance with the Terms for ongoing endorsement.
The .au WHOIS tool enables people to check selected .au registry data including the registration status of .au domain names.