Submit a complaint
auDA manages the .au complaints process to address concerns about .au domain name registrations and uphold community confidence in .au.
The .au complaints process manages complaints related to:
- .au domain name licences where a registrant may not meet the eligibility and/or allocation requirements to hold the specific .au domain name licence under the .au Licensing Rules
- The actions or conduct of a registrar related to a .au domain name registration where they may not have met their responsibilities under the .au Licensing Rules.
All complaints must first be lodged with the registrar of record. Registrars are auDA accredited .au providers that offer .au registration services. The registrar of record is the registrar with which the domain name subject to the complaint is registered. The registrar of record can be found via the WHOIS tool.
If you’ve already made a complaint with the registrar of record and you’re not satisfied with the outcome, you can submit a complaint through the auDA complaints process.
Before you submit
- Only complaints with valid contact details can be accepted
- All personal information provided to auDA is handled in accordance with auDA's Privacy Policy
- If a complaint is upheld, it will not result in the .au domain name being transferred to the complainant
- Read an overview of the complaints process on the auDA website and the full complaints process at Part 3 of the .au Licensing Rules.
Getting the right help
auDA only handles complaints that relate to a breach or potential breach of the .au Licensing Rules.
Intellectual property disputes related to .au domain names are not covered by the .au complaints process. If you believe another party’s .au domain name registration infringes your intellectual property rights, the dispute can be managed under the .au Dispute Resolution Policy (auDRP).
The .au complaints process does not handle website content issues or issues relating to web hosting. These matters should be referred to the appropriate service provider or government agency:
- Inappropriate content on websites should be submitted to Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA)
- If you have been subject to a scam, contact Scamwatch or IDCare
- A complaint about web hosting arrangements should be referred to the web hosting provider.
To begin a complaint about a .au domain name, please enter the .au domain name relating to your complaint below.