Compliance approach

auDA oversees activity to ensure compliance with the .au Licensing Rules, supporting public confidence in .au.

auDA’s compliance activity promotes and maintains trust and confidence in the .au domain.

We facilitate the community’s development of the rules and policies for the .au domain including compliance requirements and we work to ensure .au licence holders (registrants) and .au registrars to meet these requirements.

In carrying out our role, we adhere to a three-step approach for compliance. We:

  • Communicate and educate registrants and registrars about the .au Licensing Rules
  • Guide and facilitate compliance by helping registrants and registrars understand their obligations under the rules and how to access complaint and review processes
  • Take enforcement action under our rules, where required.

Our compliance activities include:

  • Public education, alerts and communications about our rules
  • Publication of an annual Compliance Plan to set out our compliance priorities
  • Audits to identify and address instances of one-off and systemic non-compliance
  • Working closely with registrars to maintain registrar and registrant compliance
  • Overseeing .au complaints and disputes policies.

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