Reseller ID Application Form (2014-09)

December 2, 2014


1.1 This document sets out the application form and process for a reseller of an auDA accredited registrar to be recorded in the .au registry database and provided with a Reseller ID, for the purposes of:

a) associating the Reseller ID with domain names under management, for display in the WHOIS record; and

b) bulk transferring Reseller ID associated domain names from one registrar to another registrar.

1.2 It is not mandatory for resellers in the .au domain space to be recorded in the .au registry database. It is up to each reseller to determine whether or not they want to have a Reseller ID for the purposes listed in paragraph 1.1 above.

1.3 It is not mandatory for auDA accredited registrars to implement systems to support Reseller IDs. It is up to each registrar to determine whether or not they want to offer this service to their resellers. In order to ensure that the reseller will be able to use their Reseller ID once granted, the application process requires the reseller to submit the application to auDA via an accredited registrar which supports Reseller IDs.


2.1 This policy uses the following term:

a) "Registrar Agreement" means the agreement between auDA and an accredited registrar; and

b) "Reseller ID" means the unique identification code assigned to a reseller in the .au registry database.


3.1 The application form comprises Sections A and B of this document. Before completing the application form, the reseller should review all auDA Published Policies and the Code of Practice, which are available on auDA’s website. Failure to meet the requirements that are relevant to resellers, as set out in those documents, will result in the application being rejected.

3.2 The application must be submitted to auDA via an accredited registrar which supports Reseller IDs. A list of these registrars is available on auDA's website.

3.3 By lodging the application, the reseller gives auDA the right to verify the accuracy and completeness of the information provided in the application. auDA also has the right to satisfy itself that the reseller can function in accordance with the Code of Practice and other Published Policies. auDA will contact the reseller directly if clarification or additional information is required.

3.4 The reseller may withdraw its application at any time by giving notice to auDA by email. Withdrawing an application will not prejudice the reseller's ability to submit a new application to auDA. If the reseller decides to re-apply, it will need to re-submit the application form.

3.5 After reviewing the application and conducting any necessary follow-up inquiries, auDA will inform the reseller by email of the outcome of their application. If auDA accepts the application, the reseller will be recorded in the registry database and the Reseller ID will be provided to the reseller by email. If auDA decides not to accept the application, the reseller will be provided with reasons as to why the application was unsuccessful. An unsuccessful application will not prejudice the reseller's ability to submit a new application to auDA.


3.1 The Reseller ID is provided to the reseller for the purposes of:

a) associating the Reseller ID with domain names under management, for inclusion in the WHOIS record; and

b) bulk transferring Reseller ID associated domain names from one registrar to another registrar;

in accordance with the requirements set out in this policy and other applicable auDA Published Policies.

3.2 The reseller must provide their Reseller ID to their registrar(s), so that it can be associated with the reseller's domain names under management and the name of the reseller can be displayed in the WHOIS record.

3.3 Once the reseller has provided the Reseller ID to the registrar, the registrar must associate the Reseller ID with any newly created domain names under the reseller's management, unless:

a) the registrar has received a written request from the registrant not to associate the Reseller ID with their domain name; or

b) otherwise instructed by auDA.

3.4 Bulk transfers by resellers with a Reseller ID must be done in accordance with auDA's Transfers (Change of Registrar of Record) Policy.

3.5 Reseller records are managed by auDA. A reseller who needs to update any of their Reseller ID details should contact auDA directly.


5.1 A Reseller ID can be suspended or removed by auDA:

a) at the request of the reseller; or

b) where auDA determines that the reseller has breached an auDA Published Policy or the Code of Practice.

5.2 Where a Reseller ID has been suspended, the reseller will not be permitted to associate the Reseller ID with any newly created domain names. However, the Reseller ID will continue to be displayed in the WHOIS record for any existing domain names.

5.3 Where a Reseller ID has been removed, the reseller will not be permitted to associate the Reseller ID with any newly created domain names, and the Reseller ID will no longer be displayed in the WHOIS record for any existing domain names.

5.4 Registrars do not have the right to suspend or remove a Reseller ID. If a registrar believes that a reseller's Reseller ID should be suspended or removed, they may lodge a formal complaint with auDA. The complaint must relate to a breach of an auDA Published Policy or the Code of Practice. auDA will not investigate complaints relating to a commercial dispute between the registrar and the reseller.


6.1 auDA's decision to provide a reseller with a Reseller ID does not affect the operation of clause 15 of the Registrar Agreement, which deals with the obligations of accredited registrars in respect of their resellers.

6.2 Apart from the requirements outlined in Section 3 of this policy, it is a matter for each registrar to determine the terms and conditions under which they provide services to a reseller with a Reseller ID.


A.1 Name and address of applicant.

A.2 Australian Business Number (ABN) of applicant (for Australian companies and individuals only).

A.3 Trading name of applicant (where different from A.1).

A.4 Telephone and email address of applicant.

A.5 Website URL of applicant.

A.6 Name of applicant’s contact person (the person who auDA will deal with regarding this application).

A.7 Telephone and email address of contact person, if different from A.4.

A.8 Name(s) of auDA accredited registrar(s) that the applicant holds reseller accounts with.

A.9 Total number of .au domain names under management (can be an approximate figure).


By signing this application form, you:

a) warrant that all the information contained in this application form, and any supporting documents included with this application form, are true and accurate to the best of your knowledge;

b) warrant that you have read, understood, and will comply with your obligations as a reseller under auDA’s Code of Practice and Published Policies of auDA;

c) acknowledge that auDA may conduct compliance checks of your website and/or your domain names under management prior to granting you a Reseller ID, and at any time thereafter; and

d) acknowledge that auDA may suspend or remove your Reseller ID from the registry database in the event that you are not compliant with auDA's Code of Practice or Published Policies of auDA.

Full Legal Name of Applicant





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