advisory committee (EAC)

EAC provides advice and recommendations to the auDA Board on issues related to the namespace.

EAC is an Advisory Committee to the auDA Board.

The functions of the EAC are to advise and make recommendations to the Board on:

  1. Matters impacting the stability or performance of the namespace
  2. Changes to the Published Policies, Licensing Rules and auDA Published Policies to ensure the utility and sustainability of the namespace
  3. Management of the namespace including, but not limited to the appointment of registrars
  4. Appropriate communication and education strategies for the education sector on the registration of domain names.

EAC Terms of Reference

EAC members


Representative Body


Independent Chair 


Andrew Smith (Managing Director, Pneutech)

Commonwealth Government

Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment

Position vacant

Higher Education

Universities Australia

Position vacant

Schools sector 

Schools Policy Group (SPG) of the Australian Education Senior Officials Committee (AESOC)

Phil Sherwin (NSW Department of Education)

Michael O’Leary (QLD Department of Education)

National Catholic Education Committee

Haydn Cockayne (Catholic Ed WA)

Independent Schools of Australia

Andrew Donaldson

Vocational Education and Training Sector

Independent Tertiary Education Council Australia (ITECA)

Troy Williams (ITECA)

TAFE Directors Australia

Margot McNeill (TAFE NSW)

Child Care and Early Learning

Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority 

Craig Bennett (ACECQA)


Meeting records


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