Board committees
Details of the auDA Board Committees.
The auDA Board is supported by several Board Committees. The Committees comprise auDA Board Directors and oversee specific areas of auDA’s work, provide guidance to the Executive Team and make recommendations to the Board.
The Independent Chairperson attends Board Committee meetings in an ex officio capacity.
Security and Risk Committee
- Peter Elford (Chair)
- Brett Fenton
- Mike Trovato
- Claire Rogers.
Governance and Culture Committee
- Sandra Hook (Chair)
- Brett Fenton
- Thu-Trang Tran
- Wendy Thorpe.
Finance and Audit Committee
- Wendy Thorpe (Chair)
- Sandy Davey
- Sandra Hook
- Mike Trovato
- Tina Wyer.
Public Benefit Program Committee
- Sandy Davey (Chair)
- Peter Elford
- Thu-Trang Tran
- Claire Rogers
- Tina Wyer.