auDA strategy
Our strategy supports our work delivering a trusted .au domain and advocating for an open, free, secure and global internet.

auDA's 2021-25 Strategy
auDA’s 2021-25 Strategy sets out our purpose to administer a trusted .au domain for the benefit of all Australians and champion an open, free, secure and global internet, and our vision to unlock social and economic value for Australians through an open, free, secure and global internet. To deliver on our purpose and vision, our Strategy sets out our strategic focus areas and strategic capabilities where we will concentrate our efforts. It also outlines the values that guide our work.
auDA's 2021-25 Strategy
auDA’s 2021-25 Strategy sets out our purpose to administer a trusted .au domain for the benefit of all Australians and champion an open, free, secure and global internet, and our vision to unlock social and economic value for Australians through an open, free, secure and global internet.
To deliver on our purpose and vision, our Strategy sets out our strategic focus areas and strategic capabilities where we will concentrate our efforts. It also outlines the values that guide our work.
Our values underpin and guide the way we carry out our work and the way we engage with each other and our multi-stakeholder community.
Our values are:
- Contribute locally and globally - we serve all Australians and global internet users
- Better Together - we collaborate and work together as one auDA
- Strive for Excellence - we deliver value. On time, every time.
Terms of Endorsement
auDA is endorsed by the Federal Government to administer the .au domain on behalf of all Australians. Our Terms of Endorsement from the Federal Government set out our core functions and core principles, which guide our work and are a key input into auDA’s strategy.
Find out more about our Terms of Endorsement.
Stakeholder Engagement
auDA’s stakeholders are central to our role administering the .au domain on behalf of Australians. Regular and consistent stakeholder engagement informs our understanding of the digital needs of Australians, provides valuable feedback on our policies and operations, and enables us to deliver greater value to the community through a trusted .au and open, free, secure and global internet.